
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thursday, March 26, 2009


What the World Needs Now.......Love... (Featured_Grownups)

Love is a funny thing. It can make you act stupid and say stupid things. It can make you brave or scared. It can make life sweet or it can make it hell. Love comes in so many forms. Motherly love, Fatherly love, Friendly love, I'm head over heels love, and so many more. What love sticks out the most in my mind? At the moment I'd say God's Love. It is unconditional. No matter what we say or do God always loves us and he even shows us daily. He doesn't come face to face with us and say "I love you" but he does show us. He shows his love for us in so many ways from the beautiful things he creates to giving us free will. We can always turn to him and he will be there for us waiting. My relationship with God has had it's ups and downs. Growing up Mormon played a big role in the downs but even with the downs I have always seen God in the things that surround my life. He has truly blessed me. I have an amazing husband and beautiful amazing daughters. When I look at my life I feel blessed and I know God had a hand it making it so. I remember a time when I didn't think I had a future at all. I thought I was going to die from being so overweight. I was depressed, sick, and sucidal. But even then God was there, he reached into my life and gave me a lifeline. He helped me change my world and gave me life again. My conclusion is God is Love. It's that simple.

I'm The One Who

I'm The One Who... (Featured_Grownups)
· I am extremely shy and quiet in person. I may smile at you but it's hard for me to start a conversation with just anyone. I'm more comfortable once I really know someone, then watch out! The goofy side of Jamie comes out but so does my heart. I get really attached to people and once I care about them it's hard for me to stop. I'm usually easygoing and who accomodates everyone else's needs before my own. I'm the one that does what I can to maintain harmony, sometimes to my own discomfort or inconvenience.

· My appearance can be deceiving. I dye my hair random colors, have my tounge pierced, dress in alot of black. Most people wouldn't think I was the normal mom at first glance. I try to be myself but since I'm still finding out who I am so that's hard. So one day I look very soccer mom and the sorta goth. lol
· I have discovered books again and I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read. Buy me a amazon gift card that I can use to buy a kindle book and I'm a happy camper. Ever since I found the Twlight Series when the 4th book came out, I haven't been able to stop reading. Check out my list on the side of my blog.
· I love my Fast Combatives Class that I take at Family Karate. It's a great self defense class. It's only a hour long but I wish it was longer. It is a ton of fun and the class goes by super fast. Plus you get to hit stuff! yeah!
· I am always tired weather I actually get to sleep through the night or not. I have to take sleeping pills to even get to sleep, plus I have low thyroid which even with my meds still makes me really tired all the time. I'm so use to being tired that I'm really good at hiding it. I just do what I gotta do and I don't let it stop me from anything.
· I LOVE lean pockets. They recently changed their recipe to new one and it pissed me off because they ruined lean pockets!! So wherever I see lean pockets without the new symbol on it I buy them and as many as the store has. lol Yes, I am a dork.
· I'm a starbucks addict. I'm addicted to Starbucks Mocha Frappucino Lights. I have at least one a day. (Bad I know)
· I REALLY REALLY like sugar. It's one of my biggest downfalls when it comes to my diet. It's really hard for me to say no to candy or yummy cookies.
· My life revolves around my kids. I have two amazing little girls whom I love so much! They are smart, funny, and full of life. And watch out, they do karate so they can kick butt! lol I feel truly blessed that I get to be their mom and watch them grow into amazing women I know they will become.
· I love animals. Cats. Dogs. Birds. Etc. I'd probably would have a house full if my hubby would let me. But he won't so right now we just have fish and a Malti-poo named Callista. It is a little fluff ball that looks like a cotton ball with legs. hehe. She is super sweet and playful and I love her to death!
· I'm a movie freak. I LOVE movies and probably own about 400. Maybe more, who knows. My kids have also caught this addiction although they are more into the kid movies of course.
· I would love to be a night owl but no matter what time I go to bed I end up waking up early. Booo! I love staying up late and relaxing doing whatever. Mornings are evil but they always come so I usually go to bed alot earlier then I would want to because of my whole sleeping probs. I can't seem to sleep past 8am. Plus most mornings I gotta get the girls up and ready for school anyways!
· I love my church and I love God. I go to the church at Rancho Bernardo. Its full of amazing people, love, openness, and caring. All of which the church I grew up in didn't have, at least not for me. God is amazing. I'm still on my search to decide what I believe about the bible and all that but I have always believed in God.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Starting Again

So I have decided to start again. I had surgery on my arms a year ago and my eating habits went down the tolilet. My weight gain is my fault. I have had no self control and I haven't been pushing myself enough exercise wise. So instead of making excuses, I'm starting again. I'm not letting guilt or lack of self control stop me anymore. Today is a new day and I'm starting from here. I'm going back on WW because it worked for my in the past and I'm also going to up my exercise and push myself harder. I'm going to make sure I do strength training because muscle allows me to get and keep off the weight easier. I'm also going to try and post here daily. Not only about my life but my weight loss ups and downs.

Today's Intake -

Breakfast -
Mocha Frap Light 4PTS
FiberOne Bar 2PTS
Lunch -
Dinner -

Pts Total - 6
Water Intake -
Exercise - 44mins TurboJam / 15mins Strength

Monday, March 16, 2009

Novalee's Party

Yesterday was Novalee's 5th Birthday Party. It was at Pump It Up. :) She had about 22 guests not including parents. The kids and some of the adults got to play and jump for about an hour and a half. We all had alot of fun. But I realized something while I was getting dragged around by my kids and other kids, I'm out of shape and I've let myself gain too much weight back. I've almost gained all the baby weight I lost back. I feel huge, ugly, and just blah.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

FAST Combatives

So today I went to a FAST Combatives at Trinity's And Novalee's Karate School. I wasn't sure weather I was going to like it or not. Guess what? I did and I ended up signing up for the class. So for now on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings at 8am, I will be learning to defend myself. What is it exactly? Go to and find out. :) I really enjoyed the class although I was a bit nervous about the hitting part. While practicing some moves we all had partners and held up pads for them to hit. I was a bit nervouse about hitting at someone so I was doing anything very hard even though they kept telling me to. lol My partner however also takes the Karate there and she didn't hold back. Let's just say I'm glad I had the pads and feel sorry for anyone who attacks this woman! lol

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trinity's 1st Grade Performance

Trinity's first grade performance was great. :) All the kids did a great job and they were dressed in costumes from differant cultures from around the world. They sang quite a few songs and in between there was speaking parts. The spoke about how everyone is differant and unique but how we are all the same on the inside. They also spoke about how even though everyone could not be best friends that will should all still show each other respect and help each other when someone needs it. It was a great message and I'm glad that their school is teaching them that at a young age. :) Now for pictures!