
Thursday, March 26, 2009


What the World Needs Now.......Love... (Featured_Grownups)

Love is a funny thing. It can make you act stupid and say stupid things. It can make you brave or scared. It can make life sweet or it can make it hell. Love comes in so many forms. Motherly love, Fatherly love, Friendly love, I'm head over heels love, and so many more. What love sticks out the most in my mind? At the moment I'd say God's Love. It is unconditional. No matter what we say or do God always loves us and he even shows us daily. He doesn't come face to face with us and say "I love you" but he does show us. He shows his love for us in so many ways from the beautiful things he creates to giving us free will. We can always turn to him and he will be there for us waiting. My relationship with God has had it's ups and downs. Growing up Mormon played a big role in the downs but even with the downs I have always seen God in the things that surround my life. He has truly blessed me. I have an amazing husband and beautiful amazing daughters. When I look at my life I feel blessed and I know God had a hand it making it so. I remember a time when I didn't think I had a future at all. I thought I was going to die from being so overweight. I was depressed, sick, and sucidal. But even then God was there, he reached into my life and gave me a lifeline. He helped me change my world and gave me life again. My conclusion is God is Love. It's that simple.

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